The Dedicated Beach Advisory Board Presents

Don’t Be a Beach.

What Do We Do?


At DBAB we take pride in organizing regular beach cleaning initiatives where volunteers from all walks of life come together to combat the growing pollution and debris on our beloved shorelines. Through these collective efforts, we strive to restore the natural beauty of our beaches and protect the delicate ecosystems that thrive in these coastal havens. By promoting a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship, we empower individuals to take action and make a tangible difference in the health of our oceans.


We also prioritize having a focus on fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for the marine environment among our community members. Through engaging workshops, informative seminars, and interactive educational programs, we equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to become advocates for ocean conservation. Our team of passionate environmentalists work tirelessly to spread awareness about the impact of human activities on marine life and inspire sustainable practices that lead to a greener and cleaner tomorrow. We host monthly webinars with experts in the field of environmentalism who speak about actions we can take to help our planet. Our goal is to make the fight for planet Earth less daunting for young and old people alike. We have the power in our hands to take back control!


At DBAB, our dedication to preserve is at the core of our initiatives. We firmly believe in safeguarding the ecological balance of our coastal regions for future generations. To achieve this, we collaborate with local authorities, environmental organizations, and like-minded partners to implement effective conservation strategies. Our preservation efforts extend beyond the shores, and includes actions such as advocating for policy changes that support the long-term health and resilience of our oceans. Together, we stand as guardians of these precious natural resources, ensuring that they remain a source of wonder and sustenance for years to come.

“A Walk on the Beach is Worth a Thousand Words”